Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Taking a Vision and Turning it into the Greatest Journey

Hello my name is Sedonah Sunn. This was not my birth name nor my 2nd name - it is a name that came to me when I decided to step into being who I am; which meant embracing my divine power and honoring my courage.

Several years ago I met a Native American man who asked me about my name.  He went on to tell me that he was now on his 6th name in this lifetime and that in his culture whenever one of the members of their tribe accomplished a great feat - they received a new name in honor of their life progression.

People I meet now love my name and those from my past have had some trouble with adjusting.  I respect that their needs to be a flow of time for acceptance to take place.  One thing I learned long ago is that, 'change is inevitable' and the more you go with the flow like WATER, the less you feel the stresses of life.


*Definitely a must see if you get to Truth or Consequences, N.M.*

In the spring of 2011, I found myself in a situation where I was being asked to leave my current residence.  I was without job and without money.  I called my mom and she said I will give you $2000 to put down on an apartment.  That was a very generous gift which I was very grateful for.  What happened is that while in that state of angst, a little uncertain of what my future held for me - I had a vision of buying a little RV and traveling around.  I found the cutest little 1978 RV with shag carpeting,  I took for a test drive and literally floated down the street.  I thought me and my 2 cats Princess and Casio could surely live in this.  The only problem is that I would have spent all my gifted money on my new accommodations and I would have nothing left to put gas in it.  Nonetheless the idea to travel in a greater way had been planted inside my heart.

One of my paintings representing the light I am being guided to bring into the HEARTS of Humanity with my MUSIC and my Angels Wings 

I painted this one in 2011 - I knew I was to bring something big into the world but the full vision had not yet been made clear to me.  This is a reminder to all of you when you feel that burning desire to create and things are not flowing, remember there is a preparation time and then there is a divine time when you will BE READY to go forward.  Don't let too much preparation time get in the way b/c this can stall you in your vision.  At some point, simply put you have to "jump in."

 Sky Diving on the Gold Coast of Australia the year 2000.
The real beginning of my spiritual Journeying.

Sometimes you go all the way like I did when I jumped out of the plane.  Once that door was open and my body was flailing through the sky there was no, "well I don't think I really want to be doing this."  Let me tell you 60 seconds of free fall, is a very long time to contemplate your life as you are at rapid speeds descending towards the earth - it was a truly awakening moment - a little reminder that when you take a risk and live on the edge you open yourself up to the most wonderful wonders of the universe - things you may not see if you, stayed home night after night watching TV.  An occasional movie can be very helpful to leave the daily stresses of our lives as we slip into someone else's story. Personally I gave up a TV, twelve years and my life has been full of adventure ever since.  - And look at my face - that is totally a happy bird in the sky!!

So here I am now 5 years after the initial seed to live as a traveler was planted and it has blossomed.  Back in 2011 I had no possible way of sustaining myself in that kind of life.  Now I can see that all the people I have met along the way and the experiences I have had working as a 'healer/ writer/ musician' has opened the door for what I am now ready to do.

I thought I was ready back in July of this year when I set sails in my car with my cat, Casio and this Grand Dream: To spread Light and Peace around the world through my Music and my Presence.

A few weeks after I took off towards Mt. Shasta, CA and then on to Eugene, OR, I found myself heading back home to Sedona, AZ a little deflated.  It seemed too hard to do what I had set out to do. It's now 3 months later and I realized that the mission is not over it is actually just beginning.  Sometimes you've got to get your feet wet, test the waters, find out what other resources you need and then begin again, where failure is not an option and 'COURAGE' is your guide speaking louder to you than any voice of fear.

My foot entering a Baptismal water basin at Sacred Heart Church somewhere between Connecticut & New Mexico.

The intention my Angels are guiding me to follow is to set a course north from where I am staying in Thousand Oaks, California.  To listen everyday as to where I am to be: and to play my music of the harp & flute for the people... be that at shopping malls, parks, grocery store parking lots, hospitals, beaches, forests....!

I met a lovely couple today and when I told the man Charlie my mission he was in deep awe; he said, " what a gift to bring music to the people where they need it most in all these RANDOM places where people would not expect it."

Music is a portal for all people, it takes you out of the busy mind and I am here to help people have hope again for a more peaceful happy life. I have a very special personal interest in the lives of children, because of their beautiful innocence and that tender zone before they lose or push away their ability to believe in the magical, mystical qualities of this world. Every day I go out and play children find me.

Let me introduce you to Stephanie who I met several months back who is one of my many inspirations for embarking on this journey.

If you feel guided to help me on this journey spread light through music, you can support with passing my story on to others, keeping this mission in your prayer visions, making a contribution to my work via paypal:  

One last note I would like to relay and it goes back to the fear of why people don't follow through on their visions - it often comes down to not having enough money.  Well on October 4, 2016 when I knew that it was time to go forward, get in my car and see the world, I had .71 cents in my bank account, $40 cash in my wallet, half a tank of gas and was behind on two of my car payments.  When the world shouted loudly: "You should get a job!" I had to say: "I must go forward and trust, my higher consciousness is telling me that all will be ok and all will work out as I stand in my power and in my truth."  

Big Risks - Bigger Rewards!  Small Risks - smaller advancements!
I will say that the more I step into saying YES to this MISSION the more people want to support me, I don't even have to ask.... they willingly want to be a part of what is happening through me.

I left Sedona the first time with a tree painted on my back tire cover.  I painted it because a shaman I worked with told me I needed to be more grounded.  This was true for a period of time while I lived in Sedona.  The other day I realized that tree as much as I love them is not my totem right now, what I have blossomed into is a DOVE.  Wings open and taking flight.  

And so I painted a new wheel cover to spread my mission: I AM THE HAPPY PILGRIM - SPREADING LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE AND HAPPINESS.  AND I ENCOURAGE ALL PEOPLE TO..... BE YOU NOW.  

Often we have a dream of becoming something but we are not quite there yet - well 'BE YOU NOW' is a statement that says even if you aren't quite there yet you can still be it, live it, embody it.... and it will get you there that much faster.

From Tree to Dove

All my love, Sedonah Sunn


  1. Love the transition between tree and dove and the notion of "be you now". The time is now and all you can be is you. HAPPY TRAVELS!

  2. Love the transition between tree and dove and the notion of "be you now". The time is now and all you can be is you. HAPPY TRAVELS!
