Sunday, October 9, 2016

Story of Miraculous Gifts and Overcoming Fears

So with Casio's passing the journey was destined to continue forward.  Following your passion or calling usually takes some time to prepare before setting sail.  My good friend Nan once told me that when I get a divine insight, I would do best to bottle it for a period of time.  I understood what she meant because if an idea is not yet solid inside and we speak it to others - they will simply reflect our fears about the expedition.

I met Nan at the age of 92, she was a ball of light.  She inspired people with her confidence and her no nonsense way of being in the world.  From my perspective she knew what she wanted and would not take 'no' for an answer. Nan is another one of those angels in the sky for me inspiring my quest to spread the LIGHT to all people as she did.  At 94 she passed away still as bright and confident as ever. 

What I discovered through Nan and through doing my spiritual practice is that the amount of people in resistance to my Mission was becoming less and less and the amount of people cheering me on was so much more.  In past I used to become upset when someone didn't agree with what I wanted yet I soon realized that they were simply presenting an opportunity for me to become stronger in my convictions. It really has nothing to do with what others think of me - it has all to do about what I am thinking about myself.  The world around us reflects our state of being. 

So now that I had more cheerleaders (meaning I had confidence in myself and my life path direction) the world began opening up to me.  What I needed to make the journey even greater, and to be able to impact even more people was now coming to me, without me having to ask for specific things.  A few days after getting my happiness back and committing to going out on the road as a missionary of Light, I went to say hello to an old friend.  When I shared my purpose with him, he immediately wanted to help.  He offered to record a CD for me in his music studio to share my work and support myself financially along the journey.

It was such a miracle the way things began to line up.  It was kind of funny how words spoken can manifest very quickly if it is for the greatest good of all.  I was out playing the harp in front of a restaurant the other day and a man asked me if I had a CD he could  buy.  I told him I did not and just played for donations.  Then a few days later a CD was created!!!  When we are in alignment with our God- given prophecy everything falls into place and these so called "miracles" or gifts become the norm.  Below are some pics of me in the studio creating an eclectic professional CD of harp, drum, flute and song sharing my mission!  The journey thus far has been so filled with light and fun - even the scary experiences have turned light after I walked through the dark. (read on)

Un reve est juste un reve jusqu'a ce qu'il ce realise.

A dream is just a dream until it becomes realized.

Dugo the wonder dog enjoyed the musical interlude while in the studio.

KC Staples - incredibly talented musician and my CD recording engineer.
Check out his band at "Gaslight Symphony"
Music, Food and Fun.

It has always been my dream to sit in a recording studio and sing with a microphone. On October 7th, 2016 I got to do just that.  When I was a young girl, someone told me I had a terrible voice when I was in a shopping mall singing booth.  I pretended that it didn't hurt my feelings but it really did.  I started singing and writing songs a couple of years ago, and I can tell the more love I put into myself, the more my voice sounds amazing.  I love to sing to inspire others that they can too and I love to sing as it brings me closer to God.

p.s. Thank you KC for being a part of me living one of my many dreams and for treating me to lunch.  I am deeply inspired by PEACE PILGRIM who walked her purpose across the United States and Canada and never asked for food or shelter yet found that she was always provided for because she had the faith of God.

More to come as my life journey is turning into an experience of meeting the most amazing, kind and generous people every day.

Contributions always accepted - You can also call me for Life Guidance wisdom sessions over the phone from wherever I am.  Life is Good.

love & peace to you all,
Sedonah Sunn



  1. Will you be posting samples of your recording on Sound Cloud or YouTube? Glad everything is falling into place. When you love and believe in yourself the universe reflects it back and has your back!

    1. Thank you Patricia you are another angelic supporter on my journey. Understanding all of technology is another aspect of being me, so if I can figure out how to sample my CD I will let you know!!!

      Thank you for always reminding me to stand tall at the foot of the cross.

  2. Will you be posting samples of your recording on Sound Cloud or YouTube? Glad everything is falling into place. When you love and believe in yourself the universe reflects it back and has your back!
