Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Returning Home

For me to have been able to set sail on the Greatest Journey and triumph as I am - I had to return HOME first to my roots.  The past 3 years I had been living in small towns from 2500 to 10,000 people.  I never would have thought I could even handle a place like Venice Beach.  According to an on-line census I am now surrounded by 40,000 people in this town with an average of 11,800 residents per square mile.


One thing that I got out of living in Sedona, Arizona for 2.5 years was learning how to master my energy.  Sedona is known to be one of the most beautiful places on earth surrounded by ornate red rock formations and hundreds of energy vortexes.  I have met many people who say there would love to live there,... but actually living there can be somewhat of a challenge.  The intensity of the earth energy is constant - which in my case meant that I was under continuous self-reflection.  When I first arrived a physical ailment showed up that I had to heal.  From then on.... it was a day in day out mental & emotional overhaul.  The average time frame most people stay is 2-3 years.  Sometimes you get called back for a tune-up as is what happened to me.  I had thought I was ready to leave Sedona 4 months ago and I tried only to find myself back in it for another couple of months.  What I have come to discover is that if you have stayed committed to the self-healing regiment that is demanded of you, than from my personal experience you get sent back out into the world to share what you have learned - hence my Great Traveling Journey.

As I have stepped back into the big cities where on some levels I could be inundated with other peoples thoughts and overwhelmed by the populous I am finding that my energy has balanced from my time in Sedona.  I can tune into my own personal needs at any given time, and then shift gears to tune into what my clients need with a clearer direct connection. I have the beautiful town of Sedona to thank for this renewed gift.

 Cathedral balance of Male/Female
 Amazing Sedona Skies
 Courthouse - where you release your judgements
Angelic passageway view from Cathedral Plateau

Although Sedona was not my birth place it was the beginning of a returning home... to remembering and honoring my gifts as a psychic & healer.  It was through meeting Roz Reynols (www.psychicatyourservice.com) who continues to be my Life Coach on this journey, that I realized who I am and how I am able to be of service in this world.  I highly recommend connecting with Roz, she has rock solid wisdom that keeps me in touch with my true nature and I see how she has helped so many people find their path.


Two weeks ago I knew that it was time to leave my current location so listening to my inner guidance I was drawn to go to Venice.  I spoke with Roz later that day, and she said the exact same thing, "I see you going to Venice Beach"  It was an added confirmation that I was on the right track.  Coming to Venice opened a new portal of expression for me.  It is a place where people from all walks of life are accepted.  It is a mishmash of artists of all sorts, who can express their talents because there is room for all of it.

The other thing that is very sacred about me being here is that one town over, which in L.A. just feels like the same town all squished together is -- SANTA MONICA.  Why this is so special to me is that Santa Monica is the place I was born.  I never lived here, I was born in the hospital close to the ocean and then was taken home several towns away to the valley on the other side of the mountains.  My parents decided that I was to be born here.  Now I say my parents "decided" my birth place but that is not entirely true as I -- in uterus was already directing the trajectory of my life.  As is with all children....

 2.5 years old going on 25 years wisdom
Even as a young girl I connected with the EARTH.

Yes all children have already decided on some level why they are coming to earth, what they are here to do, and how the life experiences that appear to be happening to them are pre-created for them to evolve.  "Why do bad things happen to good people?" - is a question many people ask.  And there is a very simple answer in that we have all done things in this or another lifetime that we have to pay for to clear our karmas and when something displeasing appears to be happening to us we have the opportunity to grow and remember our spiritual connection to a source much larger than ourselves.  I call it God.  Name the presence what you want Spirit, Universe, Creator - it makes no difference to me.  All I can say is that when I am communing with God my life is amazing!

At times, we slip and we fall.  We get so excited about the blessings and the material possessions, or the hot new mate that just entered our life - we forget that it is God who gave all of it to us.  Then our life falls apart again and we lose everything... again... and we ask God why?  Well we can play this cyclic pattern over and over again as many times as we like - because we also have the gift of Free Will.  Maybe you get lucky this lifetime or so frustrated with life not working out that you say: ENOUGH. "The only thing that matters in my life now is God and my pathway to Self-Realization... of  the ultimate TRUTH.  No longer will I be tempted by anything that does not bring me closer to God." 

What I know about God is the presence is everywhere and in every thing - what makes an object or a person different is how we choose to see it.  This computer I am typing on could just be another possession or it can be transformed it into a tool for me to share my experiences of the Divine through my writing.  All things are of God.  

How your life gets a whole lot better is when you start acknowledging through prayers of gratitude that everything in your life -- food, shelter, livelihood, your possessions, your family, and friends are not yours to possess or control .  They are passing gifts that God has sent to you with for a moment in time.  Enjoy what you have in each precious experience and be not sad if they every go away - God brings you new things and opportunities to keep you growing. When you let go and trust... His grace alone will always sustain you.

I had to come home to Santa Monica for  a returning home to my birthplace.  Shortly after arriving here I was invited to attend the Santa Monica church.  I have always loved churches because the energy of a church, synagogue, mosque, or temple is always so sacred.  The only thing that happens in that space is worship.  In some of the houses I have lived I have created a room just for meditation and healing, and keeping this separate from all the other activities that goes on allows you always to have a sanctuary of peace that you can go if you need to decompress from your busy day. 

Being incredibly sensitive to energy I feel that when I enter spiritual places like this.  While visiting the St. Monica Church, I remembered that even from an infant I had called in the life path of a spiritual aspirant and teacher of wisdom that I would one day pass on through my own personal journey.  Every thing I had done in my life all of a sudden made sense.  All the spiritual teachers I had met and healers over the past 12 years were helping remember my own true calling.

A few years ago I lived in Taos, New Mexico.  There I met a man named Miguel who claimed to be an ambassador of St. Michael.  He advised that I return to the Catholic Church.  At first I refused.  Many years ago as 13 year old girl I had walked away from my catechism training.  And years later as I proceeded on my spiritual questing I rebuked the Catholic church claiming that they were all about controlling the people.  After deciding to take a further look into it I saw that I had fallen prey to a story someone had told me.  It was a great reminder to be cautious of these large scale stories that circulate in the media.  You will only know the truth when you have walked on the path with your own feet.

I speak of the Catholic faith as my 1st studied religion.  Over the years I have studied them all - not like a book scholar more as an experiential adventurer.  The thing that I love and I have found in common in all of them: is prayer and ritual - two things that fill my life daily.  My life journey is not about choosing one faith or religion solely, it is about choosing the best of all of them thus creating my own unique way of being in touch with God.  And I honor whichever way gets you to the path of the Divine.  

Have you ever tried walking on the sky. 
It is great fun, just lay on your back in the grass, and lift your feet up to the heavens!

Bumper stickers can be great daily messages.  
When you walk the path of the Shaman or Intuitive Observer life becomes so much more interesting and fun!

I am very grateful to have been guided to return to my birth place and to be born in the town of a Saint.  I see this as quite an honor to have come into the world in such good company.  I encourage all people to return to their birth center if it is possible, if it is not possible than find some information about it on-line.  You may be surprised as to what it will bring up for you and what clearings may come that will help you get your own life back on track.

A few of the images that spoke to me while I was visiting St. Monica Church

 The positions of palms turned upward is a sign of receiving God's blessings

Standing with my Mission in St. Monica church of bringing Peace to the People

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