2017 = '7 Year' = GOD.... so it was a year to connect with God. As you can see so much purging happened in the world. Reason being most people only take the time to connect with God when they lose everything. At that point in their lives they are no longer wrapped up in their material world objects and purpose of life shifts to higher awareness.
It was also the year of the ROOSTER and what do roosters do..... they WAKE PEOPLE UP!
Some went through it without having to lose so much b/c their consciousness was already on God. Those who haven't gone through it... will. So be grateful that you intentions are set on living you life purpose in an awareness of Higher Consciousness.
2+0+1+7 = '10' NEW BEGINNINGS - when you lose everything, there is no where else to go but BEGIN ANEW.
Zen Garden in Burbank, CA
2018 = '8 Year' = ABUNDANCE some people talk of money not being good, or that we will eventually go without money - well in some ways we already are with the use of the plastic credit card - but true abundance does not mean we have to stop using money or go back to just doing trade - it means honoring the state that you always will have enough and you will always be taken care of.
A very good way to make this happen is to tithe. Tithing = Trust in God. It keeps you in the flow of giving and receiving. Personally I receive so much JOY from sharing my wealth of resources.
Many people live in fear around money and hoard it. If you just make a commitment to give your 10% back to God through whatever spiritual organization, or Mission, or maybe homeless person on the street, or just sending anonymous gifts out to others.... YOU are saying to God - thank you I know YOU are the source of all I have.
2+0+1+8 = '11' MASTERY double digits represent mastery--- so whatever your intentions are for this year - you will have loads of opportunities to really hone your skills. And the two 11's = community - coming together with other like minded souls to create a very abundant & joy filled life!
Swans at Paramahansa's Lake Shrine Temple in Los Angeles, CA
In keeping with a year of ABUNDANCE I have sent along a Meditation Kriya for Prosperity from the kundalini yoga practice. I highly recommend... looking into Kundalini Yoga as an addition to your spiritual practices.
If you find what you read in my blogs beneficial I always welcome contributions to my work via PAY PAL:
email sedonahsunn@gmail.com
Thank You and Happy New Year.
International Garden of Peace, Meditation Mount, Ojai, CA
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