Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sign of Christ comes through the Sun

I woke up this morning and went outside to be with the sun. As I was doing my daily ritual; prayers of gratitude & physical exercises, I noticed this image.

A perfect shape of the sign of Christ or Christianity as depicted by the symbol of the fish, reflected right in front of me on the concrete. The lines were the openings between the fence boards.

Why this is all so interesting to me is that the woman I am staying with Ayrin Fante, asked me to help grow her business. Each morning we sit and discuss the plan of action for the day. By taking 20-30 minutes to center and focus with a prayer and intention setting, we have seen how the tasks at hand are flowing so much smoother and faster.

I wrote a post on the Intuitive Observer site the other day about How to Live in Balance as a Self-Employed Entrepreneur. ( One of the points that I mentioned, is that if you follow a daily spiritual practice, the time you actually need to spend 'working' is lessened to a quarter of what we used to do. Remember when people had to work 8 hours a day? Well you can get that down to 2 hours a day if you commit to a spiritual life of balance.

I would just like to add to this statement that unfortunately many people have gone in the opposite direction and are now working 10-16 hours a day. I know about this because I used to do it. The reason they are doing this is that they are unconsciously or consciously coming from fear and worry. If you are conscious that you are being pulled into repeating patterns of worry, then you are moving in the right direction to getting your life and your sanity back...! Join the "2 to 3 Hours a day of work Club" and enjoy the good life.

Back to the miracle image apparition -Two days ago I wrote this message on our fridge white board: "I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES."

There is great power in intention setting. The image above shows a rain shower of financial abundance, love and joy falling from the sky.... and it is happening.

For 12 years Ayrin has sustained her business at the same level every month through word of mouth. She has been quite happy with that while enjoying her marriage to the love of her life and raising her now 12 year old son. Last year at this time her husband Dan passed away and this took a real toll as he was always supporting her and encouraging her to grow her business.

Dan was an accomplished author and what I have come to know about him is that he was and still is an incredibly spiritual man; having a strong relationship with God grounded in his Catholic Faith. Now that he is in spirit form, he is still sending her the message that it is time to expand what she does through the image of the fish.

The fish symbol appearing on her outdoor balcony is symbolic of her and her husband's faith and also is representative of the story of Christ feeding the hungry people with the fish of plenty. Jesus believed God would help him and God did by taking few and through miracle turning it into thousands to be fed.

It is such a reminder that we too must pass over our fears and worries when there is only little that we see, and trust that the resources will come just as the story of Christ. All is possible when you place God in the drivers seat of your life. Pray for guidance and let the miracles unfold.

It is always a joy for me to see how our loved ones who have transformed out of the body continue to drop little hints and visual messages to help us along our destined path. It is definitely time for Ayrin's business SACRED SCENTS to increase its visibility in the world, exposing more people to the power of natural healing. There are too many people still suffering from mental and physical illness that could easily be remedied by essential oil blends.

Well here is to another story of how the power of Intention and deep prayer helps guide our path and keep us connected to those who have gone on to spirit form. We are all going there one day and in fact when you break us down into tiny rapidly moving molecules we are in some respect already there. The mind keeps us in illusion that there is a distance but in truth there is no separation, there is only oneness. I know I have felt spirits brush my shoulder and definitely leave me a message even after they so to speak passed on.

Keep smiling and keep your eyes open for the miracles of life!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Inner Peace begins in the Silence of Meditation

In 2009 I did a Vipassana 10 day Silent Retreat Meditation.  (  When you first arrive they ask that you let go of all other spiritual practices and embrace this one.  I agreed.  They went on to take away any objects of worship, crystals, pen, paper and my car keys.  Then I got a little nervous.  Why? I had to ask myself why is it so hard to let go of all my possessions?

Perhaps a fear of having to totally see oneself naked, meaning no story just pure soul.  I thought this 10 day silent retreat would be fairly easy because I had already done lots of meditation in my life. I found that 10 hours a day of sitting can pose a challenge for even the elite meditators.  

The beautiful experience about this particular retreat is that it broke down my mind -- you know the one that is always talking, thinking, analyzing, judging, criticizing.

On the fourth day I had my big breakdown.  In each sitting we were instructed to observe our breath.  In three of the nine daily sittings we were asked to not move a muscle, if an itch happened to move through it with breath.  I have a strong will and so I took these challenges  on with great conviction. 

In the mid afternoon of Day 4 I had my first breakdown or shall I say breakthrough. I was sitting so perfectly, cross-legged on the floor, and all of a sudden my left hip area started giving me a sensation that something wasn't right.  I tried to maintain my focus on the breath, feeling and sensing it move through my nostrils as the method was taught.  But the ache pursued.  Again I tried to move my awareness back to the breath, which began a game of thoughts racing from breath to ache - back and forth it went until the pain was so great I felt my left upper leg was surely breaking in half.  I couldn't take it anymore and a tear came pouring down my cheek.  My mind had crossed a threshold and as the tear was released the perceived pain lifted.  It was all an illusion.  Pain was only real when I gave it attention.  I moved my body slowly and all was released.

Meditation does not just break you down, it frees you.  By the end of the 10th day and completion of the course, I found myself being the last one to leave the meditation hall.  I had found so much inner peace, I didn't want to leave that space.  I knew that going back into the world was going to be different and it was.  I was in a bubble of bliss for 2 months, and 'worry' was not even part of my vocabulary.  I am so grateful that I had the courage and the time to do this retreat for myself because it changed my life in so many miraculous ways.

Years later I am still meditating, not with quite the same intensity as that retreat, but still seeing the effects each time I go into the silence.  I am also quite aware at how life can come in and pull you away to other activities.  Once you ground yourself into a good practice it is always there for you - you will always find your way back home to OM.

Being in the big city of Los Angeles with lots of commotion and traffic it is an even greater test for me.  I have spent many years in small towns and there is definitely a quieter feel when you live close to nature that is less populated. 

That is why this past Sunday I decided I needed to be bathed in silence and so I shut off my phone and internet for 40 hours.  When I do this I ceremonially place it in a box on the first Sunday of the month at 12:01am and don't turn it back on until sometime on Monday morning.  

I always feel amazing after doing this.  Actually the monk at SRF Lake Shrine service this weekend spoke about this.  He said that we are all losing our conscience when we are inundated with external stimulus.  His advice was that when you had to make a decision in life the first step may be to talk to a trusted friend or counselor to get some feedback on your thoughts, than it was so important to go into the silence of oneself to see what comes, ultimately in the end you decide the path to take of your life.  Do you want to make life choices based on what the media or your friends say is right for you or do you want to live your life based on your own inner truth that only you really know.  

Meditation works....I have seen and experienced the benefits so many times.  I highly encourage everyone to start a practice that works for you.

lots of love,

Sedonah Sunn

p.s. Here is a funny story.  I was talking with a friend the other day and I was telling her that I had been worrying about money and that I had realized it was not really about money it was the act of WORRYING that had taken over my life.

So she shared a story from her friend who said she knew that fear, worry, doubt would always be a part of her life yet she decided that she didn't want them in the driver's seat of her life so she let them sit in the back seat of her car.

I thought about this vignette and while sitting in my car the other day in a very stern voice I looked in the back seat of my car and said, "OK fear, worry and doubt - GET OUT of my car!"  And they left.  

Saturday, November 5, 2016

ULTIMATE FREEDOM: Meditation Leads to the End of the Death-Rebirth Cycle

The other day I sat in meditation for a long time.  My morning rituals have been 45 minutes of yoga & pranayama followed by a very short 3-5 minute meditation.  I see now how much more you can receive when you sit for a longer time in the silence... like 20 - 30 minutes.

For some time now during my meditations I am transported into this visual experience where I see myself walking on a beach with my Guru.  He is a man clothed in a deep orange monk's robe.  It is the most peaceful experience and without words he invites me to walk with him.  I am so comforted by his presence and we walk and walk until my mind strays to some current life event and I am no longer on the beach with him.


In my day to day worldly life, I have committed to living moment to moment on as a spiritual pilgrimage.  Which to me simply means that each day is an opportunity to grow closer to God.  God, being the wonderful being that he is, has given us the gift of free will and so we can choose to walk daily with him or we can attempt to take control of our own lives.... and you know how that goes; we suffer the consequences of wrong actions and end up in a continuous repeating pattern.

I will preface that even though I have made the conscious choice to walk the spiritual path moving towards self-realization, every so often I stumble.  It became apparent to me the other day that although I have great courage to face anything, I was still being pulled into this incessant trap of worrying about money... which is quite ridiculous, because at the very moment I have everything I need -- food, shelter, good company, friends and renewed family connections.

I discovered through my meditations and through the transmissions my guru sends to me when I am in a state of peace, that worry is a form of 'drama.'  And drama pulls us away from God.

A few years back I began looking into the Buddhist faith as well as Hindi culture.  In both religions there is a discussion around karma and rebirth.  It seems to be that if we don't learn our lessons we must come back after death again and again to overcome these trials.  What interested me the most about what I was beginning to understand was that the dramas of life are actually the cause of the death-rebirth cycle or the repeating patterns.

Google Images - In the Footsteps of Buddha

During my lengthy meditation the other day as I walked with my guru on the beach I was given a birds eye view of seeing the scene from a much higher level.  I could see the two of us walking as well as witnessing a variety of colors and scenes flashing like a movie in the nearby ocean.  It was so beautiful it looked like the dancing northern lights.  I also had the view of being inside my body standing next to my guru.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see a glimpse of the flashing lights, yet I was not lured in by them, I kept my gaze wholeheartedly connected to my guru.

Google Images

At the end of our walk he commended me for my devoted focus.  He went on to explain that the flashing scenes in the ocean were of all my life actions.  The whole experience appeared to be a foreshadowing of the actual death or out-of-body experience that comes when we finally leave our human bodies.  He shared with me that what ends the death-rebirth cycle is when you can stand beside God or your Guru and keep your gaze solely and loyally on the Divine.  It only takes one moment to glance at a passing past-life scene and you are immediately pulled back into the wheel of repeating patterns, back into the world, to live and suffer all over again.

He shared with me that the purpose of meditation while you are still in body is actually a training for your eventual death. I never really understood why I meditated I just knew that when I did, I felt good during and after.  Now that I know meditation is a training for our departure, I am much more interested in this process of human evolution.  

How often have you been meditating and the phone rings and you are tempted to answer it, or you get a thought about an email you want to send or just even the smallest thing like an itch overwhelms you and you are torn out from your inner peace.  

The ability to be still in the mind does not just happen in meditation - a master works on this in all aspects of his/her life.  To not be pulled into the dramas of gossiping about others or slip into self-deprecating thoughts of doom is a huge victory. 

I have a friend who sometimes shares things with me about his life.  Often times he will preface his story by saying he has not told anyone else what he is about to share with me.   I suppose because it feels so big and there is fear that most people would judge him.  I didn't realize I was doing this but he said to me my responses are always without reaction and carry no expression of shock.  When you can be a witness for another staying neutral in your own thoughts this is another form of not going into drama - and not entering the wheel of death-rebirth.


I reflected that my recent writings talk alot about death and to some that may sound morbid or depressing - to me it is wonderful.  As I continue to master the practice of meditation it is actually freeing me up to living more fully in this life without attachment to emotional chaos or worry which can be incredibly heavy and debilitating.

On that thought I am going to go meditate now.  And since I am writing this on Saturday evening, November 5th I am actually taking Sunday (the next 30 hours) off of technology - keeping with the idea that on the 1st Sunday of the month I am encouraging people to shut off their phone, internet and TV and do something else like go outside and enjoy nature.

Good night.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Focus on where you are Going

About 6 months ago I saw what the end of my life... looks like.  When I first go to tell people this, I see their face in shock, with an "Oh my God" expression.  And "Oh my God YES... it is great."

I can't tell you exactly how I will die, I can only tell you that there is a great group of Ascended Masters and Angels around me which appear to be saying something along the lines of "Congratulations you made it."  There are no actual words in the scene there is only a sense of feeling so incredibly happy and at peace.


A few years back I came across the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda who's message is to help all souls see that we are here to self-realize.  To me that means a true returning to God, not in any kind of religious fanatical way... To me it is a peace and balance that yes I am living in this world but it is not my true home.  Hence this may be some of my motivation to travel b/c on some level none of this really feels familiar or permanent, and that is ok.

When you start to get it... that this lifetime is only a short journey, then the little things, the worries and the doubts, and the attachments both to things and people begin to fall away and that is ok too.  I believe love always remains as the only permanence.  Love is not physical, it cannot be boxed or weighed, counted or destroyed it just IS.

So my path --  is to know who I am by having a beautiful relationship with God, whom I include in my daily thoughts and conversations.  

I have often heard this statement that as you progress on the spiritual path, you grow and become stronger and your challenges get bigger.  This is only true to a point and then things become so much easier.  I would say the biggest one comes when you are asked to look at your attachments.  Us humans can be so obsessive of our things and people in our lives.  So the good news is that now you know what you have to let go of to be truly happy.  And that begins with letting the past go and wiping the slate clean.

I was at the Lake Shrine Temple Grounds the other day in deep contemplation - looking out at the beautiful lake while doing a letting go ceremony from my past.  And as I turned to walk away this man who had just passed me from behind turned towards me and our eyes connected.  I did one of those things in my head thinking, "are you looking at me?"  And then very slowly he began to walk towards me.  As he got closer to me I asked him, "do you have something to tell me?"

And he said "Yes" 

His words still resonate in my heart and I found them to be so profound and timely because only a few minutes before that encounter I had picked up one of Paramahansa Yogananda's books called: HOW YOU CAN TALK WITH GOD.  I knew this man was a direct messenger from God to me.

The man proceeded to say to me, "You are in the right place, you are just looking in the wrong direction."  He pointed out to me that if I would have just turned around I would have seen this sign.

I smiled at the man and thanked and told him that I was actually very familiar with these grounds and I had seen the sign.  But then before brushing him off I realized that he had a very strong point for my life, and that was I was looking at my past when I could be looking at my present and even my future.  As a tear of happiness came to my eye, I knew in that moment that the actual presence of God was calling me forth.


The Sunday previous to this encounter I had picked 2 cards for a client and what came up was: FOCUS & DETERMINATION.


When I got to the SRF morning service, these two words were shared by the minister.  You have to know where you are going in life.  No more of this wishful thinking that does not sustain us.  Whatever you are doing - do it with conviction, with passion, with wholeheartedness and you will get there by way of Focus and Determination. 

I think why people don't get what they say they want is because they don't really want it - meaning their higher self actually knows better.  From my experience the path of self-realization and union with the divine has been the most soul fulfilling and I am here to say it does get easier.

Trust that you can let go of all your worldly attachments and that you will be ok.  The fear is that you won't be ok, but let me tell you when you get to the level of actually truly being able to do it - the stuff in your life will no longer have a hold on you.

Peace, Peace, Peace ~ I am the Happy Pilgrim ~

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Happiness Discovered

Did you ever notice how the word abundance has the ending 'dance' in it.  People always seem to be wanting to call in more abundance - well if you start dancing a little bit more in appreciation for what you already have in your life now.... and whatever you are seeking will come to you a lot quicker!

Yesterday I went to a new park called, Rustic Canyon in the Pacific Palisades.  I had not planned on writing there. Originally I was guided to attend a CODA meeting but when I arrived to the site no one was there. So knowing that we always have the option of being disappointed or looking at the bright side of the way things turn out, I took the latter choice.  It was such a magical place in the trees.  Where I have been residing there is a lot of traffic and houses all close together.  Being at this park was like entering an enchanted mystical playground for me.  I pulled out my laptop and began typing away feeling so inspired and joyful.  The article I was writing about shared my mission of being The Happy Pilgrim, and that I truly was happy living this free spirited life of the traveling healer.

By the next day, I found my energy spiraling downward, and my mood had shifted towards lethargy, quickly moving towards depression.  I feel it is so important I share this story with you.  Should you ever find yourself in a similar situation you have a way to get out of the hole you went down and return to the light of happiness, ASAP.  Within 24 hours, I was back to my happy self and I will explain the cure.

When your mood shifts in a drastic way, the first thing you need to do is catch it - see that your feelings have changed. If you catch it at the beginning you can resolve it very quickly. 

So I had to ask myself how could I go from being so happy typing in the park to miserable by the end of the night.  The first that came to me was this very important question, "Am I living in my integrity?" if you are not -- you will quickly find yourself in a depressed state.  The sad thing about this is many people spend years and years depressed, not living their life calling.

Thankfully the 2.5 years I spent healing and training in Sedona, Arizona provided me with an astute awareness of my psychic and intuitive abilities.  You know how people say they can see what is best for another but not for themselves - well you can know for yourself too.  It just takes practice.  I cleared my energetic field and realized that why I was becoming sad was that I was not living what I had set out to do.  My calling at this time was to be a traveling healer and I had become quite comfortable in my current living situation. 

It was all very synchronistic how I met Ayrin who graciously & generously opened her home up to me.  We made an agreement that I would stay as long as I felt I needed to be here and we would check in a daily basis.  As much as I appreciated her hospitality in exchange for the light and positive energy I was bringing to her house - my spirit was not ready to settle into a daily life of familiarity for an extended time period.  My soul was all about moving and flowing - waking up each day and saying to my Guide CASIO - where shall we go today?

Although the resources to travel on had not yet presented themselves.  Even still I knew it was time to continue the journey.  My life with each passing day was becoming more and more a living faith walk.  I knew that the resources would come.  How you may ask? I did not yet know how or where they would come from, this was part of the adventure of this journey.  To not know and to still act, to trust when all the pieces were not yet laid out - that is mastery, that is full surrender.  I just kept being guided to live with an anticipation of wonderful things coming my way every day and they were coming.

When you walk through the world on the shaman's path you become a seeker of guidance from many different view points - today on my walk to and from the beach I found these words spray painted on the side walk.  Most people would just walk on by not even noticing... but if you keep your eyes open you will find your Angels are always sending uplifting notes to keep you walking in your integrity.

I particularly enjoyed this one.  I hadn't heard the phrase used together:"Dream Big and Small."  I am quite familiar with the DREAM BIG slogan, adding the DREAM SMALL made a lot of sense.  It can be quite easy and fun to imagine a grandiose vision for our life.  Yet when the concept is so grand it may take awhile before our mind can truly believe it is possible for full manifestation to realize itself.  During the waiting time frame, which can linger on and on there is a chance we may become disheartened in the stillness.  In the interim if we focus on small things that are easy to manifest we get to live in positive outcomes on a daily basis.  Very good wisdom passed on to me through Mr. Anonymous "Sidewalk Spray Painter."

Words of wisdom: Live your life in your integrity and you will always be happy - it is very simple.  Ask yourself, "Am I doing what I love, Am I doing what makes me happy?"  And the most important question of all: "Are your words you speak about yourself in alignment with your actions?" If they are not -- find a way to get there - there is a yellow brick road that always leads you home to your true heart and true soul calling. 

Casio in 2013 on the Yellow Brick Road in Liberal, Kansas.  He was my traveling buddy and now he travels with me in Spirit Form as my Guide.

I love him so much and I am so grateful to still have him as my co-pilot.

When our loved ones pass they can still travel with us and to me that is a very comforting thought.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Returning Home

For me to have been able to set sail on the Greatest Journey and triumph as I am - I had to return HOME first to my roots.  The past 3 years I had been living in small towns from 2500 to 10,000 people.  I never would have thought I could even handle a place like Venice Beach.  According to an on-line census I am now surrounded by 40,000 people in this town with an average of 11,800 residents per square mile.


One thing that I got out of living in Sedona, Arizona for 2.5 years was learning how to master my energy.  Sedona is known to be one of the most beautiful places on earth surrounded by ornate red rock formations and hundreds of energy vortexes.  I have met many people who say there would love to live there,... but actually living there can be somewhat of a challenge.  The intensity of the earth energy is constant - which in my case meant that I was under continuous self-reflection.  When I first arrived a physical ailment showed up that I had to heal.  From then on.... it was a day in day out mental & emotional overhaul.  The average time frame most people stay is 2-3 years.  Sometimes you get called back for a tune-up as is what happened to me.  I had thought I was ready to leave Sedona 4 months ago and I tried only to find myself back in it for another couple of months.  What I have come to discover is that if you have stayed committed to the self-healing regiment that is demanded of you, than from my personal experience you get sent back out into the world to share what you have learned - hence my Great Traveling Journey.

As I have stepped back into the big cities where on some levels I could be inundated with other peoples thoughts and overwhelmed by the populous I am finding that my energy has balanced from my time in Sedona.  I can tune into my own personal needs at any given time, and then shift gears to tune into what my clients need with a clearer direct connection. I have the beautiful town of Sedona to thank for this renewed gift.

 Cathedral balance of Male/Female
 Amazing Sedona Skies
 Courthouse - where you release your judgements
Angelic passageway view from Cathedral Plateau

Although Sedona was not my birth place it was the beginning of a returning home... to remembering and honoring my gifts as a psychic & healer.  It was through meeting Roz Reynols ( who continues to be my Life Coach on this journey, that I realized who I am and how I am able to be of service in this world.  I highly recommend connecting with Roz, she has rock solid wisdom that keeps me in touch with my true nature and I see how she has helped so many people find their path.


Two weeks ago I knew that it was time to leave my current location so listening to my inner guidance I was drawn to go to Venice.  I spoke with Roz later that day, and she said the exact same thing, "I see you going to Venice Beach"  It was an added confirmation that I was on the right track.  Coming to Venice opened a new portal of expression for me.  It is a place where people from all walks of life are accepted.  It is a mishmash of artists of all sorts, who can express their talents because there is room for all of it.

The other thing that is very sacred about me being here is that one town over, which in L.A. just feels like the same town all squished together is -- SANTA MONICA.  Why this is so special to me is that Santa Monica is the place I was born.  I never lived here, I was born in the hospital close to the ocean and then was taken home several towns away to the valley on the other side of the mountains.  My parents decided that I was to be born here.  Now I say my parents "decided" my birth place but that is not entirely true as I -- in uterus was already directing the trajectory of my life.  As is with all children....

 2.5 years old going on 25 years wisdom
Even as a young girl I connected with the EARTH.

Yes all children have already decided on some level why they are coming to earth, what they are here to do, and how the life experiences that appear to be happening to them are pre-created for them to evolve.  "Why do bad things happen to good people?" - is a question many people ask.  And there is a very simple answer in that we have all done things in this or another lifetime that we have to pay for to clear our karmas and when something displeasing appears to be happening to us we have the opportunity to grow and remember our spiritual connection to a source much larger than ourselves.  I call it God.  Name the presence what you want Spirit, Universe, Creator - it makes no difference to me.  All I can say is that when I am communing with God my life is amazing!

At times, we slip and we fall.  We get so excited about the blessings and the material possessions, or the hot new mate that just entered our life - we forget that it is God who gave all of it to us.  Then our life falls apart again and we lose everything... again... and we ask God why?  Well we can play this cyclic pattern over and over again as many times as we like - because we also have the gift of Free Will.  Maybe you get lucky this lifetime or so frustrated with life not working out that you say: ENOUGH. "The only thing that matters in my life now is God and my pathway to Self-Realization... of  the ultimate TRUTH.  No longer will I be tempted by anything that does not bring me closer to God." 

What I know about God is the presence is everywhere and in every thing - what makes an object or a person different is how we choose to see it.  This computer I am typing on could just be another possession or it can be transformed it into a tool for me to share my experiences of the Divine through my writing.  All things are of God.  

How your life gets a whole lot better is when you start acknowledging through prayers of gratitude that everything in your life -- food, shelter, livelihood, your possessions, your family, and friends are not yours to possess or control .  They are passing gifts that God has sent to you with for a moment in time.  Enjoy what you have in each precious experience and be not sad if they every go away - God brings you new things and opportunities to keep you growing. When you let go and trust... His grace alone will always sustain you.

I had to come home to Santa Monica for  a returning home to my birthplace.  Shortly after arriving here I was invited to attend the Santa Monica church.  I have always loved churches because the energy of a church, synagogue, mosque, or temple is always so sacred.  The only thing that happens in that space is worship.  In some of the houses I have lived I have created a room just for meditation and healing, and keeping this separate from all the other activities that goes on allows you always to have a sanctuary of peace that you can go if you need to decompress from your busy day. 

Being incredibly sensitive to energy I feel that when I enter spiritual places like this.  While visiting the St. Monica Church, I remembered that even from an infant I had called in the life path of a spiritual aspirant and teacher of wisdom that I would one day pass on through my own personal journey.  Every thing I had done in my life all of a sudden made sense.  All the spiritual teachers I had met and healers over the past 12 years were helping remember my own true calling.

A few years ago I lived in Taos, New Mexico.  There I met a man named Miguel who claimed to be an ambassador of St. Michael.  He advised that I return to the Catholic Church.  At first I refused.  Many years ago as 13 year old girl I had walked away from my catechism training.  And years later as I proceeded on my spiritual questing I rebuked the Catholic church claiming that they were all about controlling the people.  After deciding to take a further look into it I saw that I had fallen prey to a story someone had told me.  It was a great reminder to be cautious of these large scale stories that circulate in the media.  You will only know the truth when you have walked on the path with your own feet.

I speak of the Catholic faith as my 1st studied religion.  Over the years I have studied them all - not like a book scholar more as an experiential adventurer.  The thing that I love and I have found in common in all of them: is prayer and ritual - two things that fill my life daily.  My life journey is not about choosing one faith or religion solely, it is about choosing the best of all of them thus creating my own unique way of being in touch with God.  And I honor whichever way gets you to the path of the Divine.  

Have you ever tried walking on the sky. 
It is great fun, just lay on your back in the grass, and lift your feet up to the heavens!

Bumper stickers can be great daily messages.  
When you walk the path of the Shaman or Intuitive Observer life becomes so much more interesting and fun!

I am very grateful to have been guided to return to my birth place and to be born in the town of a Saint.  I see this as quite an honor to have come into the world in such good company.  I encourage all people to return to their birth center if it is possible, if it is not possible than find some information about it on-line.  You may be surprised as to what it will bring up for you and what clearings may come that will help you get your own life back on track.

A few of the images that spoke to me while I was visiting St. Monica Church

 The positions of palms turned upward is a sign of receiving God's blessings

Standing with my Mission in St. Monica church of bringing Peace to the People

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Harp goes to the Beach

After I survived my dead car battery in the avocado field, it became clear that the next journey was to head in the direction of Venice Beach which was about an hour south of where I was staying in Santa Rosa Valley, CA.

I trusted that my car battery would be okay and with that being said I took all precautions, like turning off my overhead lights even when I opened the door to not put any extra drain on my battery when the car was turned off.  Our car can be seen as a representation of our bodies - so in taking care of not putting any extra drain on my car, I was also practicing a very gentle self-care of my own body. 

For me, my journey of life is about connecting with people on a soul level and music is a portal that opens people up to a different state of consciousness.  Personally I have experienced this while being immersed in the sounds of very dark, heavy music.  This is not something I chose consciously, yet I am also aware that we are always choosing even if it feels like we are not.

Nine months ago I was going through a real crisis state.  My inner guidance advised me to attend the Self-Realization Temple Sunday service in Phoenix, AZ.  As I was sitting in the temple intently listening to the monk speak - I was at the same time hearing Paramahansa Yogananda download these thoughts directly to me.  He said, that whatever I have ever pushed away I must now incorporate into my life.  I didn't get it until I realized I was all about living in the light and having nothing to do with anything dark.  He informed me that if I did not acknowledge all lights on the spectrum, I would live out of BALANCE, and in misery..., as was my current situation.  

My guru then showed me an image of two cylinders of spiraling energy entering my rib cage - one light, one dark. both merging together in my spinal column.  I kept seeing this image for several days and allowed it do whatever it needed to do.  Hence a month later I found myself listening to some very dark music where I could actually feel the 'demonic' tone of these sounds enter my body and go into right my heart.  This gave me the very clear insight as to the power of sound for creating a portal that would take people on a journey. And having had this experience it showed me that I can create  field of energy of protection to allow into my life what is for my best and highest good.

Having had my feet in both paths, I am now clear as to what vibrations I choose to bring to the people.  When you can stand in the darkness and not push it away but allow it to teach you something than you release your fears, ultimately giving you courage to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.  When you have had enough of its teachings than you can call on your angels to move you to a place where you can stand freely in your element.   

I feel it is important to listen to what moves you with music, and with your life direction.  Sometimes I need to write because the creative energy is flowing asking to be expressed.  Sometimes I need to sit quietly and meditate, or move my body, or call a friend - if only we could all just do what is called for in each moment - what a peaceful world this would be.

I would like to introduce you to some of the wonderful people I have met on Venice Beach.

 I shared the Harp with the L.A. Fire Department while at thanking them for their great service.
 Myself & Jay - I met as she walked her dog 'Moo' down the boardwalk.
 I have a special place in my heart for all children.
It is truly amazing to share this instrument with people.  They get to see how easy it is to create music without any previous training at all.
 The neat thing about Venice Beach is meeting people from all over the globe.
This is Carrie from London, England.  I found out that she runs a charity for children.
When she played herself a melody it brought tears to her eyes.
Jisoo and friend from Korea both played the harp.  You see my mission is not just about me playing the music it is about everyone who wants giving it a try.  The harp is designed with the sound box at the back so the player gets the greatest benefit of sound healing.  The resonance directly enters your heart.  If you would like y our very own harp, the one I play is called a "Harpsicle."
 This is Jeremy he told me at the time he didn't have a secure home but that he was finding a way to make the best of what he has been given.
When he read my MISSION STATEMENT that says: I am here to spread Light and Peace through my Music & Presence, he told me I had done that for him.  It was the music that brought us together to start a dialogue, yet it was taking the time to listen to his life story and his dream of sharing his own music, and his deep connection with the whales that really moved me.
There is an incredible power in "presence" and in being a witness to another persons story.
This is Andres Salcedo whom I also met on the beach as a fellow musician.  I would say the neat thing about Venice Beach is almost every local I met here was in some fashion an artist of sorts.  I love the title of Andres' album "ONE WITH ALL"  This is how I felt at the beach.
I found myself so at home and felt a very magical quality to this area.  It just goes to show that when you are in your element life is amazing.  Everything you need comes to you, without having to put out a whole lot of effort.
A reminder that if you are working too hard to get what you want, look at where you are living and who is in your energy field.  Find people who believe in you, and you will thrive.
Lastly I would like to introduce Brandon Doman; who believes in everybody's stories so much that he created a book of random people's life stories on every different topic you can imagine.  What an incredibly cool idea. You can read these one page personal stories on his website: 

I like the Venice Beach area and so I am going to stay here awhile - there is lots of light to share.  The beauty of being the "HAPPY PILGRIM" is that I continue to wake up each day and ask CASIO my spirit guide what shall we do or where shall we go today?  I live by Peace Pilgrims definition of the word pilgrim as: a wanderer with a purpose.  Meaning that although my life may seem random and unstructured to some there is great purpose in everything I do.

I mentioned in my last post how I had a friend who was not in agreement of how I was choosing to live my life.  When I reflected on the situation it became clear that she played a role that was important for me to be able to do what I am doing today.  I know that in her heart she just wants the best for me.  

The lesson I received from this exchange is very important for anyone who has ever had a dream they are guided to pursue.  When you share it with those who don't agree with your vision, you may find yourself not taking your chosen path because of outside opinions...or.... you could use the experience to build your convictions and become clearer and stronger in cultivating your mission. 

In some of my other teachings I received from Paramahansa Yogananda, he says it is best not to take life too seriously.  He described life as a movie of characters going by.  Each time a new scene shows up you have the choice of how much energy you wish to put into the dramas that scroll by. Becoming the observer of your life by stepping out of yourself allows greater freedom and less attachment to outcomes, which equals less stress.

In this particular situation instead of remaining frustrated with my friend, I was able to see the grander picture, which was that 1 person out of 50 were against or in doubt of how I was going about my life path.  When I looked at what was really happening I realized the message was very positive.  The outer world feedback was a reflection of how I saw my own self.  Which then meant that 80% of myself believed in what I was doing and 20% of myself still had doubts. 

Since my venture out to Venice Beach this friend asked to no longer be in my life at this time and so this moved me to 100% belief in myself according to the reflection of my outside world.  I can see that as you build the momentum in any desired life goal - (that is developed for the best and highest good of all, with God/Higher Power as the foreman of the venture) - than success is surely at hand.  

When Jeremy at Venice Beach told me that my Mission had already been fulfilled because I had spread Light and Peace to him, I knew that whatever happened now would be a bonus or a surplus of connections above and beyond all the people's lives I had already touched and who had already touched me.

"Stay Tuned" for more beautiful stories.  The phrase "stay tuned" is my new expression for "Be in Balance." Just as a musical instrument must be tuned to play well.  We are all our own personal singing beings - singing a tune to our unique stories.


If you need some extra Inspiration to go forward with you LIFE CALLING
Contact me for a Life Direction Guidance & Healing Session

Sessions by PHONE wherver You are

In-Person in Southern California


It takes COURAGE to walk the path of one who is braving new trails.