Thursday, February 15, 2018

Entering the year of the "DOG" Chinese New Year 2018

In a past post, I spoke of 2017 as the Chinese Calendar "Year of the Rooster" - The symbolism of this past year was all about waking people up to living more consciously.

Many people endured much suffering this past year, surviving natural disasters and such - all of it was good.  When you suffer you grow, you have a new perspective on what really matters.  

It is important to know that you can choose your suffering, and take yourself to the edge on your terms.  Or you can unconsciously live at the whim of what the Universe is throwing you way.  

That is where Kundalini yoga comes in.  It is much more than just a physical exercise it is actually a very high level of spiritual practice.  It's foundation is SERVICE to GOD, SERVICE to ALL, ACCEPTANCE & EQUALITY.

When you do the exercises and focus your attention on going further than you think your limit is, you triumph.  When you do this on a regular basis (of course being mindful of not causing any injury to yourself) - you create new brainwave patterns that allow you to go further in life - be it in your career, your goals, your relationships and your service to others.

AND.... you become empowered, no longer left to the whim of the universe or how other people are treating you.

Which leads us to the YEAR of the DOG.  Dog represents Loyalty, Happiness, Protection which you can nurture within yourself.  Dog on the contrary also can hold the energy of fear and can attack when threatened.  

I share this with you only to be mindful of people who come at you from this aggressive side.  Do your best to stand in your power and send LOVE, see their fear, and know that is not their true state.  Below is a link for a KUNDALINI YOGA KRIYA to develop TO ACCEPT ALL ASPECTS OF SELF.

In closing... this past year we were all given an opportunity to WAKE-UP and choose consciously how we want to live.  Now we move into the year of LOYALTY... to who... DOG - and what does D.O.G. spell backwards.......... GOD.  Loyalty to God.


For Life Coaching by phone: please reach out to me:


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How does the Moon & the Eclipses effect your Life

Several years ago when I began walking the spiritual path.... I began opening up and becoming more consciously aware of... EVERYTHING.  From stopping to look at the beauty of a flower, to noticing signs - like bumper stickers with powerful messages or witnessing an animal cross my path, asking what medicine was it offering me?  What I mean by this is, animals who come to us... bring us messages.  If we learn to decipher these messages, they can bring greater awareness to what is going on in our own personal lives.

Pics by Sedonah Sunn

The moon, the sun, the clouds, and the astrological changes in our planetary system also  bring messages as well as can affect the nature & chemistry of our bodies.  Now, I am not an expert on astrology... but what I do know..., is the moon affects the tides of the ocean, which is a large body of water, and we as humans are largely made up of water.

Pics by Sedonah Sunn

You may notice at different moon times you may feel differently.  

For me personally over the past week I have been affected by this upcoming Lunar Moon Eclipse and have experienced some states of fear and anxiety that usually don't happen for me much anymore.  THANKFULLY & GRACIOUSLY I had a huge realization.... I had been getting caught up in this hype about potential negative effects of the eclipse on world events... by stories I had heard from others.  Be it people you know or media sources, it is so important to monitor what you let it into your consciousness, process it, and then evaluate what is true for YOU.

So I had to ask myself: is this the story I want to create?

Yesterday (day before the upcoming Jan. 31st, 2018 eclipse) I was out running errands and came across several store clerks who were very relaxed and grounded.  They were PILLARS of PEACE for me. I could see that I had the power to change my thoughts, and continue to walk my talk as as Peace Pilgrim, simply from having been in their presence.  

Does the moon & eclipses have powerful effects on our bodies and world events - yes, perhaps!  Do our thoughts have powerful effects on what we are creating in our reality - yes perhaps! 

If I had to choose I would rather be living PEACE over fear.

1st step: Realize what state you are operating out of
2nd step: Define the state that makes you the most happy
3rd step: Use your tools to get you there:

- Deep Breathing
- Meditation
- Drink lots of Water (my preferred water choice is distilled but find what works for you)
- Exercise (yoga, tai chi, chi gong, dance, going for a run, or nature hike, whatever works for you)
- Visualize scenarios turning out for the best and writing down that new story.  Seeing good things happen for everyone you know!
- SING - make up a new song for your life!

GO OUTSIDE & PLAY - put your TO-DO list and daily chores away.  Listen to your Soul and have a play-date together.

If you are interested in a Telephone Life Guidance Session on ways to not only cope but augment the quality of your life - please reach out to me:

And... if you are interested in investigating your Animal Messages this is a great resource site.

If you are interested in tracking the Eclipses here is another great resource site.


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Health Tip - Reduce Mouth Bacteria & Stay Healthy

I was guided to share this very important Health Tip: especially as we move into this Winter season.

I had heard that brushing your teeth first thing in the morning was important so I tried it according to Yogi Bhajan's method.

Which is:Upon waking - brushing your tongue from the back to the front until you get a gag reflex... and then spit.  It is said that overnight your mouth becomes like an incubator and many poisonous bacteria's are created.  If you don't spit it out first thing, you swallow it.

My experience was after doing it the first day I had a sweet, refreshing taste form on my taste buds... which was quite pleasant.  The next day when I woke up, I forgot to follow the procedure.  Upon my 1st swallow of the day, I consciously tasted a horrible solution going down into my belly.  By day 3 I had it now programmed into my daily routine, as I didn't want to repeat that unpleasant experience again!

Don't take my word for it -- try it yourself and see what happens.  You can read the article here on how to do it:

Google Images

The other piece you can add to this is: Oil Pulling.  After you have gotten most of the tough bacteria out, take a tsp of Coconut Oil and begin swishing it in your mouth through your teeth.  Do this for 3-15 minutes a day 1st thing in the morning, after you have brushed your tongue.  And then see how you feel.  There is lots of information on line if you want to know more, here is a link I found.

The last thing I will say about your mouth & teeth care is: I had a chance to work for the Alzheimer's Prevention organization, and one of the things they said had an affect on this disease was tooth care.  So to help keep your memory functioning, think about adding these very easy and quick tips to your daily routine.

May you stay healthy & strong, while victoriously rising above all the winter changes in season.


Sedonah Sunn

Please contact me if you are interested in Health Coaching/ Life Guidance sessions

$10 off your 1st Session with me

Life Guidance sessions by PHONE

Bodywork - massage & craniosacral therapy in Yavapai county, Arizona

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Monday, January 8, 2018

A look at 2017 and what is coming for 2018


2017 = '7 Year' = GOD.... so it was a year to connect with God.  As you can see so much purging happened in the world.  Reason being most people only take the time to connect with God when they lose everything.  At that point in their lives they are no longer wrapped up in their material world objects and purpose of life shifts to higher awareness. 

It was also the year of the ROOSTER and what do roosters do.....  they WAKE PEOPLE UP! 

Some went through it without having to lose so much b/c their consciousness was already on God.  Those who haven't gone through it... will.  So be grateful that you intentions are set on living you life purpose in an awareness of Higher Consciousness.

2+0+1+7 = '10' NEW BEGINNINGS - when you lose everything, there is no where else to go but BEGIN ANEW.
Zen Garden in Burbank, CA

2018 = '8 Year' = ABUNDANCE some people talk of money not being good, or that we will eventually go without money - well in some ways we already are with the use of the plastic credit card - but true abundance does not mean we have to stop using money or go back to just doing trade - it means honoring the state that you always will have enough and you will always be taken care of.  

A very good way to make this happen is to tithe.  Tithing = Trust in God.  It keeps you in the flow of giving and receiving.  Personally I receive so much JOY from sharing my wealth of resources.  

Many people live in fear around money and hoard it.  If you just make a commitment to give your 10% back to God through whatever spiritual organization, or Mission, or maybe homeless person on the street, or just sending anonymous gifts out to others.... YOU are saying to God - thank you I know YOU are the source of all I have.

2+0+1+8 = '11' MASTERY double digits represent mastery--- so whatever your intentions are for this year - you will have loads of opportunities to really hone your skills.   And the two 11's = community - coming together with other like minded souls to create a very abundant & joy filled life!

 Swans at Paramahansa's Lake Shrine Temple in Los Angeles, CA

In keeping with a year of ABUNDANCE I have sent along a Meditation Kriya for Prosperity from the kundalini yoga practice.  I highly recommend... looking into Kundalini Yoga as an addition to your spiritual practices.  


If you find what you read in my blogs beneficial I always welcome contributions to my work via PAY PAL: 

Thank You and Happy New Year.

International Garden of Peace, Meditation Mount, Ojai, CA