"You will never be ready and...
You will always be ready!"
Which basically means that when you get called to take the Great Journey.... there will be many thoughts that say to you, you need more courage, more resources, more time to prepare. The truth is the calling only comes when you are truly ready. The purpose of The Great Journey is to get out of your head thoughts and start living completely on soul intuition and higher wisdom.
All I did... was start with an intention to shift human consciousness by SPREADING... LIGHT, LOVE, JOY & PEACE. Other than that I have no plan. When I first started fear came in about not having a plan - but that is only the mind that tries to create a sense of control to feel safe. When you can be at peace in the unknown you will be at peace with every thing.
I do not know what or who I will meet each day that will give me the opportunity to fulfill my purpose. I do know that I set an intention and without attachment to how that will look I will be guided appropriately.
Why is letting go so important - because it is freedom. And when I ask people what they most want the responses I hear are "happiness & freedom." Both of these are self created - and no thing or person can give you this. You could say with a lot of money I have freedom to do what I want. Yes this is true... only if you have not let money enslave you.
The Great Journey does not have to be a full ending of your current life situation. I began months ago by taking a 'spiritual pilgrimage' one day a week. I would take a day where I was not working and I let myself be guided without too much planning. Then I started doing 2 days in a row until finally I was ready to go on full time spiritual pilgrimage.
My life journey will look very much different from yours. You have to lead the life your soul came here to live. I encourage you to eventually go on full time spiritual journeying. You can still have a regular job and life - you simply shift your intention allowing the people and situations you are presented with to have a deep meaning for your soul evolution.
Several years ago I hiked out into the Matilija Canyon forest with a tent and spent the night. To some this may be looked at as overnight camping experience - however I had intended it as a 'Vision Quest' which was a completely different experience. My totem animal at the time BEAR came to me twice in my dreams - Bear is protector. He was giving me the courage back then to be doing what I am doing today. And I feel incredibly protected.
Now how I start each day is with my white board writing: Today's Intention:
The words I write may be: peace, deep healing, love, connections, grounding, etc. and than that is what comes to me in ways I would not expect. When you have no expectations or attachment to outcome - YOU ARE FREE. And life is AMAZING.
The great thing about the white board is the concept of wiping it away and beginning fresh each day.
Have fun.
from Sedonah Sunn - on the road to where today???.... she will see as it presents itself.
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