Thursday, December 28, 2017

Mistakes can lead to really Good things

It is December 28th, 2017 and 3 hours from my birthday which is tomorrow.  So to honor one of the things I love to do, I am baking peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.  For me there is something magical and I guess you could say alchemical about baking.  -- In a very short time frame you get to take single substances, combine them together and create something new and wonderful. 

It's also kind of like the world, many individual's walking the planet, and when you put us altogether we can, if we choose... create something really quite wonderful.

Alchemical meaning in Dictionary: any seemingly magical process of transforming or combining elements into something new 

The story I am about to tell you took place around 33 years ago when I was a young girl. The pic below shows me around that time frame.  Back then I was incredibly shy, and very much introverted. But something happened that cracked me open... just a little. 

My Grandma, Me (Sedonah) and My Sister

One particular day while my parents were out I decided I was going to surprise them all and make my favorite; peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.  So I got out all the ingredients, the flour, baking soda, eggs, P.B. butter, sugar, vanilla.

As I went down the recipe book list I added all the ingredients one by one - 1 cup P.B, 1 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup vanilla.  The batter looked a little different than usual quite liquid-like but I continued mixing away, feeling so proud of my surprise for my family.  

I put them in the oven and baked them up.  When my family returned home I shared my joy.  "Look what I did," feeling very proud of myself.  I remember my father who also has a very strong sweet tooth, taking a bite.  And then immediately saying, "yuck, these taste terrible."

I slumped in my seat.  He asked me what I did and I showed him the recipe book which I thought, I had followed very diligently.  1 cup P.B, 1 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup vanilla..... 1 cup vanilla... oops it had said.... 1 tsp vanilla!!!!! 

I was so distraught I ran to my room crying... for one I was really looking forward to eating the cookies and two I was so embarrassed of my mistake.  My father tried to console me but it didn't work, I was too upset.


Now why I call this article "Mistakes can lead to really Good Things.... "

.... is because several months later I was sitting in class and my 6th grade teacher gave us an assignment.  The assignment was to write a 3 minute speech on a topic of our choice and then present it to the class.  Now being the incredibly shy kid that I was, this task had me shaking in my seat.  I could hardly handle having the teacher ask me a question in class, never mind getting up in front of all my fellow students. This was just too much.

I went home in terror.  I sat starring at a blank piece of paper not knowing what to write.  Then it dawned on me I could tell the story of my baking fiasco, which I had now healed from.  As I wrote the story I really got into it.  And by the end of it, I could see all the humor in the whole event.

Then the doom day arrived, it was time to present it.  I was shaking in my skin, I could barely feel my legs as I walked up to the front of the class.  And then something took over, call it angel intervention... and the words came out of my mouth.  It was flowing, I had the classes full attention and when all the funny parts came in, everyone laughed at just the right time.  I was smiling inside.  It was a hit..., I was a hit.... I had broken through my fear of speaking in class and with great success.  I felt a wave of acceptance from all of my class mates.

I ended up winning 1st place in the class competition and went on to speak at the provincial championship "Concours D'Art Oratoire"  I didn't win at that level but I wasn't bothered by that as I had made it there... and to me that was a huge success!!

So I ask you this, "Are there mistakes..., or are these so called 'mistakes' really opportunities for your future success.  

In a few days we come into 2018.... what will you create this year?  How will you turn everything you touch into a magical alchemical experience?

I am a really great manifestor, not because I think I am... rather because my huge list of miraculous stories are proof enough of the power we all have.

If you want to create something in your life don't just think it.... you have got to EMBODY THE DREAM, so I encourage you to draw it, write it, paint it, sing it, dance it, and then..... live it.

Most of all... have fun... all.... along... the way!!

SAT NAM - honor your true nature and you will always be guided to your next greatest opportunity and success.

Love you all,

Sedonah Sunn

MISSION: to INSPIRE & EMPOWER people everywhere!

Soul Readings and Healing's by phone & in person.
35 years later from above pic of me as a young girl
Happily going out in public playing my music.

Monday, December 4, 2017

True Story of Manifestation 1 - Painted my friend back to Life

What is manifestation and how do we create what we want or need in this life?  I realized that the power of manifestation had been with me for years, and it was after sharing some of my stories with my dear friend Roz Reynolds ( - who is a great psychic and life counselor, that she confirmed what the secret to manifestation is.  It is..... simply..... HOLDING A CHILD LIKE EXPECTATION THAT ALL IS POSSIBLE, and not letting any doubts creep in!

Now I love how Jesus said, "everything I can do you can do also and even greater."  Right there in the great texts we have been given the go ahead to manifest, to inspire, to heal, to awaken.  And truly that is my sole/soul mission on this planet... this is why I write and share these stories with you.

This past summer I..., in a very unique way I brought my dear friend/mentor/spiritual mother back to life..!  I met Nan in the summer of 2011.  I knew she was guided into my life because of some circumstances that had deeply hurt my soul months before.  Six months previous to that encounter I had been living with my sister in my uncle's house.  At that time my family decided they needed to have an intervention on my life... because I was not living a life they could understand. They could not comprehend why I would not stay in relationships or jobs for any 'normal' length of time, why I was continually moving around from place to place and barely had much money really to support myself. Truth be told many spiritual aspirants tread the path of the "renunciate."  It is only when you release your attachments to people, places and things that you begin to see the deeper meaning of life. 

It was not easy to lose the family support, but it also made me more committed to go on my own way.  In doing so I began to meet people, who were a lot like me.  People who had begun searching, or who had already journeyed quite far down this sometimes lonely yet highly rewarding path. 

Some of you reading this may also have experienced this kind of story, feeling the pain of separation from those you thought to be your greatest supporters were now tearing you apart and looking at you as if you had lost your mind.  Which as you will discover on the spiritual path to seek God and to see God the mind, the human worldly mind must dissolve. 

Needless to say the rejection from your birth tribe, propels you to go out into the world on your own.  It takes courage, strength and determination to rise above all the emotions but when you do... victory, success, true wisdom and happiness is awaiting you.  

When I pulled away from my birth family, is when I met these two amazing spiritual ladies came into my life.  They were exactly what I needed.  

Ilonka Di'Aura & Nan Cowdrey

Nan was 92 years old when I met her and she was such a bright light.  She not only saw me...., she recognized me.  She was a great support to me, simply by being who she was.  She was a friend, a spiritual mother and a teacher - without ever giving me a lesson.  It was her vibration and her commitment to her own spiritual path which was the transmission I was so blessed to receive from her.

We had two years of time together before she passed at the age of 94 years old.  This picture below shows her radiance only months before.  She radiated this incredible light... and beauty -- the kind of beauty that cannot be bought with vitamins or makeup, it comes from years of devotion to God and to serving others.

Nan in her favorite place - Mt. Shasta

It was sad when she left her body from the earth and ventured into spirit form.  She didn't like to talk about death b/c she knew, that what you talk about you create.  The only thing she would ever say to me is that when it was her time to go, she was going to go quickly and was not about to stick around being sick in her body.  One day while sorting her many papers and endless notes from being a writer, she simply fell down, and she was gone. I know she still watches over me..... and this story proves it.

The years passed and I went on to continue my spiritual journey.  Nan was a traveler and she instilled that in me as well.  When you carry a lot of light, you often get directives to move around and share it with many people.  Hence, while my parents couldn't understand, the constant changing of jobs, relationships, houses, cities...  I knew there was a great purpose in every step I was taking.

Four years after Nan's passing I felt guided to paint her portrait.  I had enjoyed my creative painting with acrylics which became a collection of animal pictures. I had never painted a human portrait, and to be honest it took me some time before I actually had the courage to do it.    

I loved my friend so dearly that I didn't want to paint a misinterpretation of her, so I was a bit nervous about getting it just right.  Once I got started it all came together.  As always I just let my hands move over the canvas without much thought.  As I put the last drop of paint on the canvas I felt quite pleased with my creation.

It wasn't more than half an hour after completing her portrait did I get a call from Cheyenne who goes by the name, "Mama Bear."  I had heard about her and was advised that we needed to meet.  All I knew is that she was a 72 year old traveler who had been living this 'on the road' lifestyle for 27 years.  And I.... at the time was raring to go on the road myself, play my music and fully embody the free spirit I had always wanted to be.  

In past I had ventured out on the road for short bursts, however my desire or shall I say my destiny to pack all my possessions into my car and put my steering wheel into God's hands was calling me to action.  It was time I took the leap and when I did I never looked back. 

That is another part of manifestation - when you get the 'green light' to go for it, don't hold back, don't second guess it, and definitely do not tell anyone who doesn't think it's going to be a good idea... because that will most likely bring you down.  To manifest positive things you have got to be happy, positive, confident, and be in action to serve. You have to have a thick skin when it comes to living your dreams, and you have to be able to walk away from negative talk and keep on trucking.

Now back to coming to the end of this wonderful story. I finished the canvas and called Cheyenne, she was just down the street from where I was staying.  When I met her it was like meeting my friend Nan in the body, she had a similar look, she definitely lived a spiritual life and did not let others shake her from her path.  It was an instant connection.  She totally got me and honored who I was and I loved her joy and light that reminded me so much of Nan.

I have to say, she doesn't replace my good friend Nan, but I do feel like I got my friend back who I can see and chat with and hug.  I painted Nan and she returned to me in a very unique way through sending me a kindred spirit angel.

Sedonah Sunn & Nan Cowdrey (summer 2011)
Cheyenne "Mama Bear" & Sedonah Sunn (summer 2017)

When I finally put these 2 pictures together side by side you can see a striking resemblance in facial features and also in energy.  I believe that why my friend Nan was able to re-enter my life in in this new way, is because there was no longer sadness about her loss, there was only joy and appreciation that she had been with me... for the years she was.

So my final words on this story is.... if life is not turning out the way you wanted, paint a new story and see what you can manifest.

p.s. I have in the last year, had a reunion with my birth family and found peace.  A sign of true healing is when you can forgive those who rejected and criticized your way of life, then you are truly free.

That's all for now from, 

Sedonah Sunn 

Still the "Happy Pilgrim" while now enjoying a new home base in Rimrock, AZ.  After spending 6 months living out a destiny of mine to go out on the road, I am happy to be graced with renting a little studio and a piece of land that overlooks the mountains and the big blue sky!

Now Offering:

- Mobile Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and Lymph Drainage Sessions in your home in Verde Valley area (Rimrock, Camp Verde, Cornville, Cottonwood & VOC)

- Life Guidance Wisdom counseling by Phone